Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rove Says Sotomayor "Isn't Necessarily" Smart

'During a debate at Radio City Music Hall in New York on Wednesday, host Charlie Rose said Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor "is very smart." "Not necessarily," former Bush adviser Karl Rove replied. After Rose noted that Sotomayor graduated with honors from Princeton and attended Yale Law School, Rove said, "I know lots of stupid people who went to Ivy League schools." Rove's claim is ironic considering that in an interview previewing the debate, he cited President Bush's experience at Harvard and Yale to mock claims that Bush is stupid. "The myth was that this guy, who was a Yale history grad and a Harvard MBA, was not smart," Rove told the Chicago Tribune.'


Oh, Karl...

PS: From the "Progress Report, Recovery in Progress, May 28, 2009."

'Public reaction to the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court has been "decidedly more positive than negative, with 47 percent rating the nomination as 'excellent' or 'good'" and 20 percent rating it "only fair." Though Gallup found that the public reacted more positively than negatively to the last four Supreme Court nominees, Sotomayor had the second highest the net positive rating.'

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Spence

    I also believe that Karl Rove never finished his under graduate degree.

    I'm not a snob and that's fine, but I think it should preclude him from sneering at the intellectual rigor of a supreme court justice.
