Saturday, April 18, 2009

Two US Journalists Jailed in North Korea

'Ms. [Laura] Ling and Ms. [Euna] Lee, reporters for Current TV, a San Francisco-based media venture founded by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, were arrested by the North Korean military on March 17 on charges of illegally crossing the border from China. They were in China to report the plight of North Korean refugees who fled hunger at home and were living in hiding there.

This was the first reported case in which a U.S. citizen will be indicted and tried in North Korea, South Korean officials said. The North’s criminal code calls for between 5 and 10 years of "education through labor" for people convicted of "hostile acts" against the state.

In a "severe" case, the code allows more than 10 years in labor camp.'

The US government is attempting to secure their release. Current TV does not seem to have made a statement as of yet. Please keep your eyes and ears peeled for updates.


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